jeg har set dit opslag på jobstafetten, hvis du er interesseret i at køre lastbil og evt. afløse i farestalden hver 3 weekend, vil jeg gerne have en snak med dig.
mvh. Jesper Madsen
Hello SF testing,
You have a document (WF new) to fill in.
Please click the link to access the the document: Secret: Robin Kvalvågnes
Dear user your Card has been Blocked. Because still you Did not Update according to new rules if you want to unlock your Card call this number +458373737
048R037D,Dear user your Card has been Blocked. Because still you Did not Update according new rules if you want to unlock your Card call this number +458373737
023R025,Dear user your Card has been Blocked. Because still you Did not Update according new rules if you want to unlock your Card call this number +458373737
038R043D,Dear user your Card has been Blocked. Because still you Did not Update according new rules if you want to unlock your Card call this number +458373737
[Red]Your verification code is 214793, for verification code login, please verify within 5 mins. Do not share the verification code to others.
080R048d,Dear user your Card has been Blocked. Because still you Did not Update according new rules if you want to unlock your Card call this number +458373737